When you move into a long-stay (>4 months) accommodation you are required to register, within five days, by the Dutch law. Once you move out of the accommodation, it doesn't matter if you are moving within the Netherlands or going abroad, you'll need to deregister yourself from the accommodation.
The main reason why you need to deregister is that all addresses have a maximum amount of registrations allowed. So, if you don't deregister yourself, you still take up one of the registration 'seats' at the address which might result in the next tenant not being able to register. Besides this, it can also bring extra taxes for your landlord and/or roommates because you did not deregister yourself in time. So this is more or less the practical side, there is also a legal side to this.
The government requires anyone who stays longer than four months to register at the address of living. When you move out to another address, you should register yourself at that given address. If you are not (de)registered properly, you are violating Dutch law based on at least one of the following articles (or maybe even all three if you did not register at all);
Artikel 2.38 eerste, tweede en vierde lid Wet BRP - Het niet doen van aangifte van inschrijving uit het buitenland (Failure to declare registration from abroad) €325,00
Artikel 2.39 eerste lid Wet BRP - Het niet doen van aangifte van een nieuwe verblijfplaats binnen Nederland (Failure to report a new residence within the Netherlands) €325,00
Artikel 2.47 Wet BRP - Het niet verstrekken van inlichtingen over een mogelijke adreswijziging (Failure to provide information about a possible change of address) €200,00
The above can result in a fine of at least €850,00 by the government only.
A valid proof of deregistration / registration elsewhere must contain the following:
The paper should not mention that it cannot be used as valid evidence.
Example of proof of deregistration.
Report your move within or to The Hague on time. You can do this a maximum of 4 weeks before or at the latest 5 days after your move. You can arrange this online, in writing or at a municipal counter. You will automatically be deregistered from your old address. Once this is done, do request for an official document (as shown above) which proves your deregistration and/or registration at the new address.
If you are moving abroad, for instance going back home after completing your study. You then must deregister from the municipality The Hague (or any other if you are living elsewhere) You may not report this move any earlier than 5 days before your date of departure. The municipality will then update your details accordingly.
In your report, you are required to state your new residential address abroad. If you do not yet have a fixed address abroad, you are required to indicate your first known address abroad (for example, the address of a hotel, family member or friend).
You can report your move abroad at the municipality or online, as mentioned here; https://www.denhaag.nl/en/moving-and-immigration/report-your-move-abroad-deregistration.htm
As shown on the print screen below, under 'How it works', you notice they mention that "You will be registered as a non-resident of the Netherlands in the Non-residents Records Database (RNI)."
When you click on the link, it takes you to another webpage; https://www.denhaag.nl/en/certificates-and-official-documents/personal-records-database-brp/extract-non-resident-of-the-netherlands-rni.htm
Here they explain how you can obtain this proof of deregistration. You can apply for different RNI's, but you'll need the first one, where they mention "your foreign address";
Keep in mind that it is not possible to authorise someone else to report your move abroad.
Also, for Student Housing The Hague, the process of deregistration is a legal matter and therefore it is not possible to deviate from the standard procedure.
We hope that this blog clarifies the process of deregistration. If not, do not hesitate to e-mail to [email protected]